Whether you’re looking for a bag for every day or something special for a night out, we have a beautiful range of handbags. We hand-pick each bag to ensure they are great quality and value. To see an even bigger range, head to our store in Reigate.

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One thing we are passionate at All About Eve is Handbags. We love to hand-pick each of our bags for great quality and amazing value, from small over the shoulder everyday bags to large totes for holidays.

We also a whole range of evening clutches and purses that will make you feel great if you’re out for dinner or drinks.

Over the Shoulder

We have a huge range of over the shoulder handbags. If you’re looking for something light and flexible that you can take with you anywhere, they are perfect. The right size for just enough bits, without feeling cumbersome.

Also, they come in a whole range of colours. We love this mustard yellow bag for a pop of colour. Alternatively, this dark grey leather bag goes with everything. For a night out we love the metallics of our Bronze Crossbody clutch, then can be used over the shoulder or hand-held.

Tote Bags

When you’re looking to carry around a range of things you need, we love our tote bags. Perfect for holidays, days out with the kids and for gym gear, we love them all year.

Our Black and Leopard 2-in-1 bag is reversible and comes with a smaller shoulder bag that you grab out with all your essentials. Alternatively, our light grey and yellow reversible tote bag can be used all year round and reversed to yellow in the summer. Plus with a purse that’s attached to the handle, it won’t get lost in the bottom.

Bag Straps

If you love a plain bag but like to change it up with the season or occasion, we love these changeable bag straps. They’re one of our most popular products, and we can see why.

From Black & Rose Gold stripes to Green and Red Bees, we have a whole range. Chop and change depending on how your feeling and to bring a little personality to your look.