Get those to-do lists done with our top tips on how to be more productive.
Everyone wants to know how to be more productive. Do you find yourself getting out of bed already thinking that you have no idea how you are going to get everything done that day? We all do. So we collated a list of our top seven ways to get stuff done and stop feeling so overwhelmed.
1. Be realistic.
We all start the day by listing off the 100 things we need to get done and then deciding we will do them all within the first hour, powered by coffee. However, as it always turns out by 3 pm, we’re exhausted and still overwhelmed.
So our top recommendation is to be realistic. Think about roughly how longs things take even if one thing takes all day. Then plan these into a week giving yourself time to complete them correctly.
2. Are you an early bird or a night owl?
We all have times of the day we are at our peak productivity. Some people are better first thing in the morning, during the middle of the day or after dinner. So, find yours and plan the most strategic and hardest stuff during that time of the day and let your brain gear up or down the rest of the day.
3. Break big goals down.
Are you struggling with huge goals that seem entirely unachievable? Break them down into their parts to help you get through them.
For example – sort out the living room. What does that even mean? Break it down into several sections, so you don’t feel overwhelmed by a vague statement.
1. De-clutter the cabinet cupboards
2. Donate any books you no longer want to charity.
3. Hover the sofa and cushions
4. Clean the junk from under the coffee table
5. Polish the surfaces
6. Hover the floor
7. Mop the floor
8. Get a plant
9. Light a candle
By breaking it down like this, it means you only achieve one goal at a time instead of taking it all on at once. By the end of the list, you’ll feel more relaxed and hopefully have time for a glass of wine. Bliss.
4. Meditate for 10 minutes
Even if you don’t meditate, you should be taking regular breaks when you’re working all day. If you don’t take breaks, you may find that you struggle to make decisions and your focus drops. Breaks help your brain take a moment to recoup and rest.
However, during your breaks, your mind has to wander. Looking out the window, meditating, walking or reading a book all help you shut down to all the stimulus around you. Checking social media is not one of them. It encourages your mind to keep flitting from one thing to the next.
We love the Headspace app to help us take a proper mental break with meditation during the day.
5. Track your time and identify patterns
Sometimes we get ourselves in loops, which can either help or detract from our productivity. Take some time to notice how long you spend on Instagram or Pinterest and whether there is a better time of day to be doing that, especially if you’re naturally most productive during those hours.
Plus, take notice of how long things take, so next time you can be more realistic about your time and goals.
6. Stop multitasking
Switching between multiple tasks makes us more tired. The brainpower required to switch between different tasks is huge, so we end up exhausted, no matter how much coffee we drink. People who focus on one task and then take 15-minute breaks every couple of hours are much more productive and less tired.
Try the Pomodoro technique, where you focus on tasks in 25-minute blocks, with short 5 minute breaks, followed by longer breaks later on. Read more about it here.
7. Take some time to relax.
In today’s world, we have to be busy all the time; it’s almost seen as a sin to take some time for yourself and relax — unfortunately this bad for both your mental health and productivity.
Whether you love going for a walk, taking a long relaxing bath or chilling out in front of the TV. We all need downtime to let our minds idle, and bodies get rid of stress.
Think of it as a recharging time, rather than unproductive time. Going into the next day with a full battery means you’re going to be more productive and feel better.